HomeNewPandaeNewsletter How-To's and Help TopicsResending your Newsletter without Email Tools feature

6.14. Resending your Newsletter without Email Tools feature

Updated 06.17.16

The NewPanda Real Estate eNewsletter program is a monthly, automated process designed for ease of use and continuity.  As such, our system picks up subscribed email addresses at the appointed send date and time, customizes your eNewsletter with your personal information and articles (if any), and transmits the eNewsletter to your appropriate recipients. 

You may reschedule your eNewsletters by following the instructions here, and if you use our Email Tools feature, you can resend your Newsletter by following the instructions here.  Don't have Email Tools? Get them here.

We do not recommend the monthly newsletter be sent multiple times to the same recipients to avoid Spam complaints and unsubscribes.

If you don't use the Email Tools feature and your monthly newsletter has already gone out, if you have entered (or corrected) new email information for a contact or contacts and/or subscribed new contacts to your eNewsletter, our system will automatically include them in the next scheduled eNewsletter send. 

In the interim, you can encourage new subscribers to visit your web site and click the "eNewsletter" link there for full access to your current eNewsletter.  Don't have a "View My Newsletter" link on your web site?  Click here to learn how to create one! Or, email your contact a hyperlink to your current eNewsltetter to make it as easy as possible for them. (Note: we recommend you only do so when specific eNewsletter content is extremely important, and only to new subscribers, to keep your Unsubscribe rates and Spam complaints low.  It may be better to simply wait for the next eNewsletter or to add important Personal Article content to your next eNewsletter).

Alternately, if you don't want to send a particular eNewsletter on the specified automated sending date, there is a way around, albeit a bit labor intensive:

  1. First, unsubscribe your recipients.  You may need to make a list of who is currently subscribed if your entire contact list isn't subscribed for reference when re-subscribing.
  2. On the desired transmission date, email your contact a hyperlink to your current eNewsletter. 
  3. Don't forget to re-subscribe your recipients before next month's send date!

If you added Personal Article or other custom content after the send date, your online eNewsletter will display the updated information (if you have an eNewsletter link on your web site).  Click here to find out how to view your current (online) eNewsletter.

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