HomeNewPandaContacts How-To's and Help TopicsEmail Opt-Outs and Bounces

4.23. Email Opt-Outs and Bounces

Updated 03.17.18

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Click the Undeliverable Email Addresses tab in the Contacts feature to view unsubscribers and bounces in list form. 


Clicking on the contact record in the Unsubscribed list will open the editing tool for the contact. 


Or view an individual contact record detail page through the Contacts tab to view Opt Out status. Click the Details link for more detailed info.


There are two types of Unsubscribers (these are not the same as Bad Email Addresses or "bounces").

  1. Contacts that have unsubscribed from your eCommunications.  The Opt-Out type for these records is Contact, and the unsubscribe status on these records cannot be over-ridden without express request from the unsubscribed email address.
  2. Contacts that YOU have unsubscribed from your eCommunications.  The Opt-Out type for these records is User (you).  You can undo the Unsubscribe by editing the contact record and unselecting the Email Opt-Outs field.  Be sure to Save your changes.

To sort your Opt-Outs list, click on the column header you wish to sort by (i.e., click the Contact column heading to sort the list alphabetically by LastName - click the column heading again to view in reverse order).

To view opt out records for deleted contacts, activate the Include Deleted Contacts checkbox and wait for the page to refresh.

Click the Excel icon to export your opt-out data.  Be sure to Included Deleted Contacts if you're syncing your data with other sources.


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